List of doping cases in cycling

The following is an incomplete list of doping cases and recurring accusations of doping in professional cycling, where doping means "use of physiological substances or abnormal method to obtain an artificial increase of performance".[1] It is neither a 'list of shame' nor a list of illegality, as the first laws weren't passed until 1965 and their implementation is an ongoing developing process. Thus the list contains doping incidents, those who have tested positive for illegal performance-enhancing drugs, prohibited recreational drugs or have been suspended by a sporting body for failure to submit to mandatory drug testing. It also contains and clarifies cases where subsequent evidence and explanation has shown the parties to be innocent of illegal practice.

In 1963 the Council of Europe gave a definition of doping.

"Doping means to make use of physiological substances in immoderate quantity or abnormal method from healthy people whose only aim is to obtain an artificial increase of the performance during the competition".[1] or ...

"The administration of or use by a competing athlete of any substance foreign to the body or any physiologic substance taken in abnormal quantity or taken by an abnormal route of entry into the body with the sole intention of increasing in an artificial and unfair manner his/her performance in competition. When necessity demands medical treatment with any substance which, because of its nature, dosage, or application is able to boost the athlete's performance in competition in an artificial and unfair manner, this too is regarded as doping.".[2]

1896 1897
1955 1956 1958 1959
1960 1962 1964 1965 1966 1967 1969
1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979
1980 1982 1983 1984 1986 1987 1988 1989
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011
See alsoExternal links



In 1886 an English cyclist is popularly reputed to have died after drinking a blend of cocaine, caffeine and strychnine, supposedly in the Bordeaux–Paris race. This was included in the 1997 International Olympic Committee study on the Historical Evolution of Doping Phenomenon, and listed as the presumed first death due to doping during a competition. The report did allow that in this period it was common practice, and not illegal.[1] This is alternatively reported as trimethyl poisoning.[2] However, the main Bordeaux–Paris race did not start until 1891, and the cyclist who supposedly died in 1886, Arthur Linton, actually finished second in 1896 and died a few weeks later, reportedly from a combination of drug induced exhaustion and typhoid fever.[3] Linton was managed by the notorious Choppy Warburton - See 1896 below.[4] The story may be apocryphal.


Nitroglycerine was used to stimulate the heart after cardiac attacks and was credited with improving riders' breathing.[9] Riders suffered hallucinations from the exhaustion and perhaps the drugs. The American champion Marshall Taylor refused to continue a New York race, saying: "I cannot go on with safety, for there is a man chasing me around the ring with a knife in his hand."[10]


"Choppy has been firmly identified as the instigator of drug-taking in the sport [cycling] in the 19th century."[11]

Warburton was banned from the sport after unproven claims of massive doping in the 1896 Bordeaux–Paris. His activities may have contributed to the early deaths of Arthur Linton, Tom Linton and Jimmy Michael.[12][13]









The acceptance of drug-taking in the Tour de France was so complete by 1930 that the rule book, distributed by Henri Desgrange, reminded riders that drugs would not be provided by the organisers.[19]











The Wiel's-Groene Leeuw affair. At the stage from Luchon to Carcassonne of the 1962 Tour de France, twelve riders fell ill and said 'bad fish' was the cause. Tour doctor Pierre Dumas realized they had all been given the same drug by the same soigneur.[17] Hans Junkermann of Germany had been ill overnight so the start was delayed by 10 minutes, but at the first hill he got off his bike and sat by the roadside, telling onlookers "I ate bad fish at the hotel last night."[33] Eleven other riders abandoned the Tour that day, including the former leader, Willy Schroeders, the 1960 winner Gastone Nencini and a future leader, Karl-Heinz Kunde. Jacques Goddet wrote that he suspected doping but nothing was proven - other than that none of the hotels had served fish the previous night.


France passed its first anti-doping law in November 1964[34]


Performance-enhancing drugs became illegal on 1 June 1965. The first riders to be caught were three amateurs, two Spanish (Luis Santamarina) and one British, who were thrown out of the Milk Race when they tested positive for amphetamines after Professor Arnold Beckett first applied sensitive gas chromatographic techniques to monitor drug abuse.[2][17][39]


On 29 July testing began at the Tour de France. Raymond Poulidor was the first rider to be tested in the Tour at the end of a stage to Bordeaux. He said "I was strolling down the corridor in ordinary clothes when I came across two guys who asked if I was a rider. They made me go into a room, I pissed into some bottles and they closed them without sealing them. Then they took my name, my date of birth, without asking for anything to check my identity. I could have been anyone, and they could have done anything they liked with the bottles."[41] Next morning, on the way to the Pyrenees the riders climbed off, began walking and shouting protests.[42]







In 1974, an advance in testing caught 13 prominent riders including Herman van Springel.






During the 1979 Tour de France, the leader of the mountains classification Giovanni Battaglin tested positive for doping in stage 13. He was penalized by 10 minutes in the general classification, lost the points that he earned in stage 13 and received 10 penalty points in the mountains classification.[68] Battaglin was still able to win the mountains classification.

Frans Van Looy and Gilbert Chaumaz also tested positive for doping during the Tour.[69] After the Tour de France had finished, Joop Zoetemelk was found to have used doping, which he confessed later. Zoetemelk was penalized by 10 minutes in the general classification, but kept his second place.[70]






Systematic Blood doping at the 1984 Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles. The USA cycling team's successes were coloured by revelations that riders had blood transfusions before their events, a practice known as blood-doping. The transfusions were to increase red blood cells in riders' blood. That would take more oxygen to their muscles. They received the blood of others with similar blood types.[85] The practice, instigated by national coach Eddie Borysewicz, was not against Olympic rules although Games medical guidelines discouraged it. Borysewicz and a colleague, Ed Burke, set up a clinic in a Los Angeles motel room and four of the seven athletes who had transfusions won medals.[86] The US federation banned blood-doping in January 1985. Borysewicz and Burke were fined a month's pay. Mike Fraysse, a former president of the federation, was demoted from first to third vice-president.[87]

Steve Hegg, won a gold and a silver; Rebecca Twigg, Pat McDonough and Leonard Nitz won silver medals. The others were John Beckman, Mark Whitehead and Brent Emery. They were identified in the subsequent inquiry as having had transfusions. The rest of the team had refused.[85]




The Emergence of EPO - In the late 1980s a genetically engineered drug created for people suffering from kidney failure became a substance abused by athletes seeking enhanced stamina and performance. The drug is recombinant erythropoietin, known as EPO, which was developed by the Amgen company. Recombinant EPO is a genetically engineered copy of a hormone normally produced in the kidney and was not detectable by any test at the time.[93]

EPO stimulates the bone marrow in order to increase red blood cell production and thus the body's ability to carry oxygen. A study of 15 Swedish athletes by the Stockholm Institute of Gymnastics and Sports found an improvement of nearly 10 percent in aerobic performance. "Average" red blood cell volume of the population at sea level is about 45% red blood cells. About 5% of the population has less than 40% red blood cell, which is defined as "anemia" and 5% of the population, including many world class athletes, have a natural red blood cells volume of 50%... 1% of the population has 54% red blood cell volume.

The increased thickness of the blood (above 70% red blood cells) increases the risk of blood clotting which can block blood vessels causing a heart attack or stroke, especially in the middle of the night when the heart's rate is lowest. Doctors and blood specialists concluded that the drug could have been implicated in the deaths of as many as 18 European professional bicycle racers between 1987 and 1991. One of them was Johannes Draaijer, a 27-year-old Dutch rider who finished 130th in the 1989 Tour de France.[93] Although the autopsy did not specify the cause of death Draaijer's wife later told the German news magazine Der Spiegel that her husband became sick after using EPO.[94]




The PDM Affair, In November 1997, reported about an inquiry that had just been made public in The Netherlands.[103] This inquiry appeared to reveal doping in the PDM cycling team. The doctor of the team from between 1990 and 1991 was Wim Sanders who was the centre of the investigation which was reported to have been initiated when the General Manager of the team, Manfred Krikke, called the FIOD (Fiscal Information and Investigation Service) to investigate the medical business of the team. It was said that Wim Sanders supplied anabolic steroids and EPO to the team and was responsible for the ‘intralipid affair’ of the 1991 Tour de France,[103] when the entire team withdrew due to what was reported at the time as food poisoning.[104] In a 2008 TV documentary;[105] team members and team doctor Wim Sanders explain how the cause was in fact careless storage of Intralipid, a nutritional aid with which the team members had been injected.[106]

According to, 1990 was the height of the drug taking in the team and during this year, two riders had to stop with acute heart problems;[103] whether this refers to stopping with professional cycling or performance enhancing drugs is unclear. Team manager Gisbers denied any knowledge of doping in the team.[106]


PDM. Some teams used sophisticated recovery techniques whereby riders were put on a drip during the night and fed nutrients such as Vitamin B12. This practice was blamed when the entire PDM team went down with a fever on the 10th Stage of the Tour de France. PDM management blamed a virus although only riders were infected. Ten days later a press release stated that the team had used recovery substances which were past their sell-by date.[17]






The Telekom Affair – In May 2007, several former riders admitted to using banned substances (including EPO) while riding for the team in the mid 1990s, including Erik Zabel, Rolf Aldag, Brian Holm,[137] Bjarne Riis,[145] Bert Dietz, Udo Bölts and Christian Henn including the seasons in which Riis and Jan Ullrich won the Tour de France.[134] Team doctors Andreas Schmid and Lothar Heinrich also confessed to participating and administering banned substances. The latter was Team Telekom's sporting director until 3 May 2007, when he was suspended following allegations published in former team member Jef d'Hont's book.[146]

On 25 May 2007, Riis issued a statement confessing to taking EPO, growth hormone and cortisone for five years, from 1993 to 1998, including during his victory in the 1996 Tour de France.[147] Earlier in the week, five of Riis' former teammates from Team Telekom confessed to having used banned substances during the 1990s when Riis won the Tour.[148][149] Riis said that he bought and injected the EPO himself, and team coach Walter Godefroot turned a blind eye to the drug use on the team.[150] Riis removed from the official record books of Tour de France,[151] but in July 2008 he is written back into the books along with additional notes about his use of doping.



The Festina Affair is the events that surround several doping scandals, doping investigations and confessions of riders to doping that occurred during and after the 1998 Tour de France. The affair began when a large haul of doping products was found in a car of the Festina cycling team just before the start of the race which led to an investigation, this was followed by the re-opening of a separate case into the TVM team and a subsequent searching of many teams during the race. The affair highlighted systematic doping and suspicion of a widespread network of doping in many teams of the Tour de France and was characterised by the constant negative publicity of the case, police searches of hotels, a spate of confessions by retired and current riders to doping, the detainment and arrest of many team personnel, protests by riders in the race as well as mass withdrawal of several teams from the race.


1999 Tour de France - In 2005 the French sports daily L'Équipe accused Lance Armstrong of using the performance-enhancing drug EPO during 1999 Tour de France. For years, it had been impossible to detect the drug, called erythropoietin, until UCI began using a urine test for EPO in 2001. According to the newspaper, tests on 1999 urine samples were done to help scientists improve their detection methods. The newspaper said 12 samples had revealed EPO use, including six from Armstrong.[183][184] In 2006 a UCI appointed independent lawyer, Emile Vrijman, released a report in 2006 claiming that Lance Armstrong should be cleared of any suspicion surrounding the retrospective testing of the 1999 Tour de France. Vrijman denounced the manner in which the doping laboratory in Châtenay-Malabry carried out its research, claiming that there were too many procedural and chain of custody gaps.[185][186] The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) rejected it, calling it defamatory to WADA and its officers and employees, as well as the accredited laboratory involved.[187]

In 2005, French daily 'Le Journal du Dimanche' reported that Spanish rider Manuel Beltrán, Danish Bo Hamburger and Colombian Joaquim Castelblanco were suspected of being among those whose frozen urine samples reportedly tested positive.[188]




2001 Giro d'Italia - The Giro was overshadowed by a series of scandals related to doping. Police raided the hotels of several teams during the race, uncovering a variety of banned substances. Italian Dario Frigo, who was fighting for the race lead at the time, was expelled from the race as a result.[210] The week prior to the raid saw Pascal Hervé and Riccardo Forconi expelled from the race after testing positive for EPO. Italian police carried out anti-drugs raids on a number of hotels in the town of San Remo where the participants of the race were staying. About 200 officers were involved in the raid. Police officers search the rooms of riders from all 20 teams, confiscating medicines. The organizers decided to cancel the 18th stage after second-placed Dario Frigo was sacked by Fassa Bortolo team after illegal drugs were found in his room. Frigo later admitted carrying them as security in case he needed a boost during the final stages of the race. Italian Marco Pantani was banned for six months after an insulin syringe was found in his room. On appeal the ban was lifted.[206][207][211]



Oil for Drugs was an Italian doping case against doctor Carlo Santuccione and a number of accomplices, started in 2003. He was accused of administering prohibited doping products to professional and amateur athletes, to enhance their performance as well as being involved in doping network across Italy.[256]




2006 Tour de France was marred by doping scandals. Prior to the tour, numerous riders - including the two favourites Jan Ullrich and Ivan Basso - were expelled from the Tour due to their link with the Operación Puerto doping case. After the end of the race, the apparent winner Floyd Landis was found to have failed a drug test after stage 17; Landis contested the result and demanded arbitration. On 20 September 2007 Landis was found guilty and suspended retroactive to 30 January 2007 and stripped of the 2006 Tour de France title making Óscar Pereiro the title holder.[300]

Operación Puerto doping case (meaning Operation Mountain Pass)[287] is a Spanish doping case against doctor Eufemiano Fuentes and a number of accomplices, started in May 2006. He is accused of administering prohibited doping products to 200 professional athletes, to enhance their performance. Tour de France's favorites Jan Ullrich and Ivan Basso were expelled from the Tour de France before the race started.


Positive doping tests

Date Cyclist Banned substance Reference
4 March  Giuseppe Muraglia (ITA) hCG [2]
24 April  Aketza Peña (ESP) Nandrolone [3]
8 June  Patrik Sinkewitz (GER) Testosterone [4]
19 July  Christian Moreni (ITA) Testosterone [5]
21 July  Alexander Vinokourov (KAZ) Homologous transfusion [6]
24 July  Iban Mayo (ESP) EPO [7]
1 August  Andrey Kashechkin (KAZ) Homologous transfusion [8]
24 December  Thomas Dekker (NED) EPO [9]

Doping cases

2007 Tour de France - The event was affected by a series of scandals and speculations related to doping. By the end of the Tour, two cyclists were dismissed for testing positive, the wearer of the yellow jersey, Michael Rasmussen was voluntarily retired by his team for lying about his whereabouts and missing doping tests. A fourth rider was confirmed to having used doping while in a training session prior to the 2007 Tour and a fifth rider tested positive late in the race, with his result being officially announced just after the end of the Tour. Along the way, two teams contesting the competition were asked to withdraw due to positive tests of at least one member.


Positive doping tests

Date Cyclist Banned substance Reference
3 March  Patxi Vila (ESP) Testosterone [10]
11 April  Maximiliano Richeze (ARG) Stanozolol (steroid) [11]
28 June  Giovanni Carini (ITA) EPO [12]
29 June  Paolo Bossoni (ITA) EPO [13]
5 July  Manuel Beltrán (ESP) EPO [14]
8 July  Moisés Dueñas (ESP) EPO [15]
8 July  Riccardo Riccò (ITA) MIRCERA [16]
23 July  Emanuele Sella (ITA) MIRCERA [17]
24 July  Dmitry Fofonov (KAZ) heptaminol [18]
31 July  Maria Moreno (ESP) EPO The Daily Telegraph, Spanish cyclist Maria Moreno fails drugs test at Beijing Olympics
7 October  Leonardo Piepoli (ITA) MIRCERA [19]
7 October  Stefan Schumacher (GER) MIRCERA [20]
12 October  Bernhard Kohl (AUT) MIRCERA [21]
10 December  Iljo Keisse (BEL) [22]

Doping cases





  1. ^ a b c d Historical Evolution of Doping Phenomenon by Lorella Vittozzi (ITA)
  2. ^ a b c Doping in Sport: From Strychnine to Genetic Enhancement, It’s a Moving Target, by Gary I. Wadler, M.D., FACP, FACSM, FACPM, FCP. Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, New York University School of Medicine
  3. ^ barnes and Noble, Synopsis of Dope: A History of Performance Enhancement in Sports from the Nineteenth Century to Today by Daniel M. Rosen
  4. ^ a b c "Speed freaks who raced to an early grave". London: The Times. 5 August 2006. Retrieved 8 May 2010. 
  5. ^ a b "Cheating and drugs in sport". BBC. 14 October 2003. 
  6. ^ a b ""Choppy" Warburton Dead" (PDF). New York Times. 19 December 1897. 
  7. ^ Odd, Nicholas and van der Plas, Rob (ed) (1998), Cycle History
  8. ^ Haan, Rob de (25 August 2010). "Mysterieuze brouwsels" (in Dutch). Nusport. 
  9. ^ Novich, Max M., Abbotempo, UK, 1964
  10. ^ Bearings, US, 24 December 1896, cited Ritchie, Andrew, Major Taylor, Bicycle Books, US, 1988
  11. ^ "Book Review: 'Choppy' Warburton". Lancashire Family History Society. October 2006. 
  12. ^ Cyclers' News, 28 July 1896
  13. ^ History Today, UK, vol 50
  14. ^ "Library Service Heritage Trail - Aberaman". Rhondda Cynon Taff. 
  15. ^ Woodland, Les: Yellow Jersey Guide to the Tour de France, Yellow Jersey, London, 2007
  16. ^ De Mondenard, Dr Jean-Pierre: Dopage, l'imposture des performances, Chiron, France, 2000
  17. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Association of British Cycling Coaches (ABCC), Drugs and the Tour De France by Ramin Minovi
  18. ^ 1 Guardian, July 2003, Science, If this year's Tour de France is 100% clean... ...then that will certainly be a first. By Matt Seaton and David Adam
  19. ^ Maso, Benji:Zweet van de Goden, Holland
  20. ^ Sports Illustrated magazine, 30 June 1969, Something Extra On The Ball
  21. ^ On Speed: The Many Lives of Amphetamine By Nicolas Rasmussen
  22. ^ The Guardian, July 2001, Sport, Tour de farce by Geoffrey Wheatcroft
  23. ^ Woodland, Les Yellow Jersey Guide to the Tour de France, Yellow Jersey, London
  24. ^ Chany, Pierre (1988) La Fabuleuse Histoire du Tour de France, Éditions La Martinière, France
  25. ^ World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) - Registration(139961) Solucamphre
  26. ^ a b Jean-Paul Olivier, La Tragedie du Parjour: Roger Riviere (Glenat, 1992)
  27. ^ Antwerp Gazette, 2 April 1999, Doping - Amfetamines, cortisone, hormonen en EPO
  28. ^ Online Medical Dictionary, Ronicol Retard
  29. ^ Van Dijk, Pieter: Doping bestaat en doen we eraan, Het Vrije Volk, Holland, 13 December 1961
  30. ^ USA Today - Timeline: A century of drugs and the athlete
  31. ^ Woodland, Les (1980) Dope, the use of drugs in sport, David and Charles, UK
  32. ^ France Dimanche, France, cited Cycling, UK, 4 November 1967, p17
  33. ^ Doping at the Tour de France#The Wiel's affair
  34. ^ The Unknown Tour de France by Les Woodland, Van der Plas Publications, 2000. isbn 1-892495-26-0]
  35. ^ Cited in Les Miroirs du Tour, French television, 2003
  36. ^ Cited L'Équipe Magazine 23 July 1994
  37. ^ Penot, Christophe (1996): Pierre Chany, l'homme aux 50 Tours de France, Éditions Cristel, France
  38. ^ "Peter Post in 1965: "Ik gebruikte doping" (translation: Peter Post in 1965: "I used doping")". /Geschiedenis. 2007-07-15. Retrieved 2009-07-29. 
  39. ^ a b Woodland, Les (1980), Dope, the use of drugs in sport, David and Charles, UK, p112
  40. ^ Daily Telegraph, West still hooked on adrenaline, ... Luis Santamarina blood sample positive for amphetamines
  41. ^ Poulidor, Raymond: J'appartiens à le légende, L'Équipe, France, 12 July 1999
  42. ^ "Edición del jueves, 30 junio 1966, página 42 - Hemeroteca -" (in (Spanish)). 1966-06-30. Retrieved 2009-09-29. 
  43. ^ BBC Inside out, Cycling
  44. ^ *William Fotheringham (2002). Put Me Back on My Bike: In Search of Tom Simpson. New York: Random House. ISBN 0-224-06187-9. 
  45. ^ Te Fanatiek, Wielersport, Holland, undated cutting
  46. ^ Cycling Revealed, Timeline, 1969, 52nd Giro d'Italia 1969 By Barry Boyce, Merckx DQ'd
  47. ^ a b Alguns dos maiores escândalos da história do ciclismo
  48. ^ memoire-du-cyclisme, Tour de Portugal - stages
  49. ^, tombes-au-champs-dhonneur
  50. ^ Arte Historia, Castille et Leon, El "doping"
  51. ^ ThinkQuest Sydney 2000 Drug Test results
  52. ^ Aad van den Hoek at Dutch Wikipedia
  53. ^ Bangladesh Observer, Sports news, September 2004
  54. ^ The Times, Olympic Review
  55. ^ August 2004&Sub=-----No+Sub+Category-----&Cat=& New India Review of Olympic drug abuse
  56. ^ Bike Race
  57. ^ Cycling Fans - Database of Doping - Legeay, Roger
  58. ^ Cycling Fans - Database of Doping - Tollet, Claude
  59. ^ a b Chany, Pierre: L'angoissant combat de Bernard Thévenet, Vélo, France, no 125, 1978
  60. ^ Cycling News, December 2006, Tales from the Peloton - Cheats aren't meant to prosper
  61. ^ Wielerrevue, Holland, De Koerier van Dax, undated cutting
  62. ^ L'Équipe, 22 November 1976
  63. ^ de Mondenard, Jean-Pierre, Dictionnaire du Dopage, Masson, France
  64. ^ "Eric Jacques teruggezet" (in Dutch). Nieuwsblad van het Noorden (De Krant van Toen): p. 23. 12 May 1976. Retrieved 20 June 2011. 
  65. ^ NRC Sports News - Doping in the Tour
  66. ^ Dutch Wiki, List of Dutch Doping
  67. ^ Soetaert, Eddy: De biecht van Jean-Luc van den Broucke, Het Volk, Belgium, 18 October 1978.
  68. ^ "Battaglin positivo" (in Spanish). El Mundo Deportivo: p. 32. 16 July 1979. Retrieved 8 September 2010. 
  69. ^
  70. ^
  71. ^ a b c d e Cycling News review of Massacre à la chaîne by Willy Voet
  72. ^ German Wikipedia - Dietrich Thurau
  73. ^ Bike Circle, 21 October 2005 Dietrich Thurau Admits Doping
  74. ^ "Thurau s'est dopé" (in French). Le Soir. AFP. 9 February 1989. Retrieved 28 September 2010. 
  75. ^ Cycling News, January 2000
  76. ^ a b c d e f g h "1982 General Information". La Retrieved 2008-01-18. 
  77. ^ a b c d Delbeke FT. (August 1996). Doping in cyclism: results of unannounced controls in Flanders (1987-1994). International Journal Sports Medicine. 17(6):434-8. 
  78. ^ "Heras won't be the first to lose the Vuelta after the fact". Archived from the original on 2007-11-13. Retrieved 2008-01-18. 
  79. ^ a b Cycling News, January 2000, Dutch Stars Come Clean
  80. ^ a b - News for 20 May 1999: Willy Voet goes for the jugular in his book
  81. ^ a b Palmares of the Grand Prix des Nations at
  82. ^ Wired article "The Doping Excuses Hall of Fame"
  83. ^ The Sunday Herald, 12 December 1999 "A drugs cheat? not me!" by Richard Bath
  84. ^ Cadence Nutrition, Pdf
  85. ^ a b c Sports Illustrated, USA, 21 January 1985, The Triumphs Tainted With Blood
  86. ^ a b Time Magazine USA, 11 September 2000 Are Drugs Winning the games?
  87. ^ a b Cycle Group Bans Use of Blood Doping, New York Times, USA, 12 October 2008
  88. ^ Fakte, Danish Politik, Cycling article
  89. ^ 1 Guardian, July 2003
  90. ^ "Drugs and the Tour de France". 
  91. ^ Cycling New, January 2000, Theunisse confesses
  92. ^ CyclingNews news article about the beginning of EPO testing
  93. ^ a b c Fisher, Lawrence M. (19 May 1991). "Stamina-Building Drug Linked to Athletes' Deaths". The New York Times. Retrieved 2008-07-15. 
  94. ^ a b [James Deacon & Paul Gains, A Phantom Killer, Maclean Hunter Limited, 27 November 1995, at 58]
  95. ^ New York Times, 7 October 1989, Fignon Drug Results
  96. ^ International Herald Tribune, 29 September 1993, Fignon:French Cycling's Angry Young Man Coasts to the End of his Bumpy Road
  97. ^ a b Cycling News - news article on EPO deaths
  98. ^ Daily Telegraph, "Tour de France: Cycle of cynicism keeps rolling on" by Simon Hart 28 June 2003
  99. ^ Lactate Threshold Training By Peter Janssen, Peter G. J. M. Janssen, p. 190
  100. ^ Cycling for Fans - Database of Doping Incidents
  101. ^ "DELGADO REHABILITE - SEAN YATES POSITIF AU T-W CLASSIC" (in French). Le Soir. 11 October 1989. Retrieved 28 September 2010. 
  102. ^ "DANS LES PELOTONS : EMONDS PUNI/KELLY VA MIEUX/.." (in French). Le Soir. 5 May 1990. Retrieved 28 September 2010. 
  103. ^ a b c "Drug Scandal in the Netherlands". Retrieved 2007-11-11. 
  104. ^ "Illness Forces Breukink out of Tour". International Herald Tribune. Retrieved 2007-11-11. 
  105. ^ "De bedorven kip van PDM, in Andere Tijden; broadcast on 17 January 2008". NOS/VPRO, Dutch public television. Retrieved 2008-04-01.  (in Dutch)
  106. ^ a b "The Dutch Doping Scandal – Part 3". Retrieved 2007-11-11. 
  107. ^ a b New York Times
  108. ^ Cycling News, May 1999, Cycling News and Analysis, Willy Voet goes for the jugular in his book
  109. ^ Baunø, Piet (2006-11-19). "Jesper Skibby indrømmer dopingmisbrug" (in Danish). Ekstra Bladet. Retrieved 2006-11-21. 
  110. ^ Danish Politik, Cycling article
  111. ^ Cycling News December 2007
  112. ^ Vrijgesproken Conconi moreel veroordeeld door Italiaanse gerecht
  113. ^ Chiapucci
  114. ^ Doping affairs in cycling from 1980-1998
  115. ^ Conconi wird wegen Epo-Dopings der Prozess gemacht(German)
  116. ^ Judge calls Italian professor "morally guilty"
  117. ^ Conconi vrijgesproken na proces van vijf jaar(Dutch)
  118. ^ Danish Politics, Cycling article
  119. ^ "Tour de Farce as Roche linked to doping scandal". 
  120. ^ "Sport: Roche denies use of E.P.O". Retrieved 2008-04-11. 
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  122. ^ "Ufficio della procura antidoping del coni". Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2007-07-20. 
  123. ^ Walsh, David (28 March 2004). "Sad end to Roche's road". London: Timesonline. Retrieved 2007-07-20. 
  124. ^ "Roche's name again to forefront in doping investigation". Retrieved 2007-07-20. 
  125. ^ "No.12 - Tour de France winner Stephen Roche denies allegations by an Italian judge of taking performance enhancing drugs". Retrieved 2008-04-11. 
  126. ^ tytu?=Sylwetka Halupczoka Polish Olympic Committee, 2008-01-08
  127. ^ Joachim Halupczok at Polish Wikipedia
  128. ^ Cycling News - Bike Zone, September 2004
  129. ^ Internagtional Herald Tribune, Danish cyclist Bo Hamburger admits using EPO in mid-1990s
  130. ^ The Independent, 7 June 2000, Pantani faces trial for blood doping
  131. ^ a b c Westemeyer, Susan (2007-05-24). "Zabel and Aldag confess EPO usage". Retrieved 2007-05-24. 
  132. ^ a b BBC Sports News, Zabel admits to doping at Telekom
  133. ^ Bölts tritt zurück Süddeutsche Zeitung, 24 Mai 2007 (German)
  134. ^ a b Starcevic, Nesha (24 May 2007). "Two more former Telekom riders admit to doping". Associated Press.;_ylt=AqmFvq1S49.Q8FxHCAQQP8N.grcF?slug=ap-germany-doping&prov=ap&type=lgns. Retrieved 2007-05-24. 
  135. ^ BBC News
  136. ^ Pravda, Sports News, May 2007
  137. ^ a b "Brian Holm also admits EPO doping". 25 May 2007. Retrieved 2007-05-28. 
  138. ^ Mallozzi, Vincent M. (29 December 1996). "Leipheimer wins US Criterium Title". The New York Times.,%20Winners%20All&st=cse. 
  139. ^ VeloNews, volume 26: issue number 1, January 13, 1997, pp 6-7: Velonotes: A USA Cycling disciplinary panel has recommended that Levi Leipheimer receive a three-month suspension and be forced to return his national criterium championship jersey. The decision came after a drug test conducted at the August 18 championship event showed positive. The panel's decision was upheld by USA Cycling executive director Lisa Voight, and the criterium title was awarded to Matt Johnson
  140. ^ Montana Standard "letter to the editor (July 8, 2006)". Montana Standard. 
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